Is not a treatment. OsteoBalace is a unique way of looking at your body and your health. It is based on the theory of osteopathy and many other western and eastern philosophies. It does not treat anything specific. The objective is to restore your body's balance and mobility.
So how could this be beneficial to the body?
Although it does not seek to treat anything directly, restoring the balance in your body can help problems like lumbago, sciatica, pains in neck and shoulders, knees and hips and other parts of your body to disappear.
Member of the Spanish Register for Professional Osteopaths no.02/059
The balance in the skeleton.
We human beings do something quite remarkable, standing upright against gravity. Normally we don't give this much thought since we all do it naturally. However, from a mechanical point of view it is quite complicated. Our body stands on a relatively small surface and carries two third of it's weight on the upper half. So by default, your body tends to fall over. Of course it doesn't because once you've mastered the trick you can do it, but from a mechanical viewpoint it is quite complex.
We can do this thanks to our skeleton. The skeleton works as the chassis of your body. Everything hangs together with it. Your muscles connect to your bones, your organs hang together with it and your neurological system runs inside your spine, one of the most important parts of the skeleton.
The skeleton is a structure made of bones. Each bone in your body forms a joint with another bone. Everything that lifts itself up from the surface of our planet is subject to the laws of gravity and mechanics. They apply to your body in the same way as to a building, a bridge or your car.
In order for your body to balance against gravity, the easiest is when your body has its weight in the centre line. Or to put it differently, the more symmetrical your body is, the easier it stands. So your body will always try to put the weight in the centre. Look at it as a block tower. It will be the most stable if all blocks are centred. However, if you shift one block you will need to make adjustments at other levels too.
Due to life we all hold tensions in our body. These tensions have an impact on your balance and on the functioning of your body and it's health. Many people have an unbalance in their hips or lower back which causes one leg to be slightly longer than the other. This means your body has to level out. So often the shoulder opposite of the longer leg will be a bit higher. For a proper balance, your body wants your eyes to be more or less horizontal, so it will tilt your head the other way. These alterations affect the tension in your muscles. So you will have tension at other levels as well.
Your skeleton is a structure that originally was meant to be straight. Alterations in its balance alter its functioning. Or as osteopathy says it: the structure reigns the movement. Change the structure and you change the movement. The alteration in the balance will always affect your body on different levels. If one hip is higher, usually the opposite shoulder is higher. For a good sense of balance, your body prefers the eyes to be as much as possible horizontal, causing tension in that area of your body.
If one hip is higher, the angle of your legs relative to your pelvis also change which could lead to problems in knees and hip joints.
As you see, all levels affect each other. Your body works as one thing. You cannot have a change at one level without causing effects on all other levels.
Your spine and the nerves.
The spine is the most important part of your skeleton. In the back of our head, the occipital bone, we have an opening where an extension of the brain comes out, the spinal cord. The spinal cord runs inside the vertebraes all the way down to the sacrum. Between the vertebraes the nerves to your body come out. All communication between your brain and your body happens through your spine. Alterations in your balance can cause alterations in the spine which can affect the neurological communication between brain and body which can lead to many type of symptoms that oftentimes don't look even remotely related to your spine.
Problems like headache and migraines, dizziness and high blood pressure, sinus problems, respiratory problems like asthma, heart problems, many digestive problems from acid reflux to irritable bowel syndrome, infertility or erection problems could all be related to your spine. And many other conditions could have an origin in your spine. The following image, which can be found on the internet, gives an idea of the possible symptoms that could be caused by the spine.
“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ~ ”
The liquid in the body.
Our body consists for about 70% of water. Part of it is in the blood circulation, another part in the lymphatic system, but most of the water is inside the trillions of bodycells that make up all the soft tissues in the body. Each cell in the body can be seen as a mini factory. It produces something that is needed for the proper functioning of the body. In order to do this, the cells need oxygen and nutrients that are brought to them by the bloodstream. Next to the many substances that they produce to maintain proper functioning of our system, they also produce waste materials.
If there is an unbalance in your body, the muscles will try to pull your body in a sort of balance. This means that they have permanent tension in certain areas in your body. All tissues in your body are connected. Tension in one part, eg. a muscle is passed on to other tissues like for example an organ. This can affect the proper functioning of that organ.
The liquids in the body are moving due to movement in the tissues. If there is a tension in the tissue, the liquids can not move freely which means that that part is not receiving sufficient oxygen and nutrients and can't get rid of it's waste materials. This can lead to premature degeneration. Also, the waste materials could be stored in the tissue. Calcifications in the shoulders is a good example of waste materials being deposited in the muscles.
Healthy spine
healthy life
A proper balance has in many ways
a positive effect on your health and wellbeing.
Member of the Spanish Register for Professional Osteopaths no.02/059
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