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Specialized in You. 
Your natural state is healthy and happy.
Everything that is not just that is an expression from your body or your unconscious mind
that something needs  your attention.

The human being is an inseparable unity of body, mind and spirit with a fantastic capacity to maintain and heal itself. 
Natural methods like osteopathy, massage, kinesiology and mental and emotional techniques stimulate that healing power.

Nearly 30 years of our professional experience can help you to
feel better than you have ever felt before.
Call us today for your appointment 
(0034) 686 555 682





Is a manual therapy that treats the source of the problem

and not just the symptoms.

Therefore it is very effective for many physical aches

and pains. Especially in the back, neck, shoulders 

and other body parts.

Neuro Emotional Integration (NEI)


is a new and revolutionary emotional therapy.It can treat emotional, psychological and physical problems in a way so simple and powerful, that you won't believe it, unless you have experienced it yourself.

When you suffer from fears, nervousness, stress, unwanted behavior or other problems influencing the quality of your life in a negative way, then NEI can help you change this. 

Generally, just one session makes the difference.


Gesret Therapy


a solution for asthma.

300 million people worldwide suffer from asthma. 

Gesret Therapy is effective for 90% of the people. 

Symptoms generally disappear in only a few treatments.



It's all in the mind.

You can't change the world.

But if you change your mind,

it will make a world of difference. 

Hypnotherapy is a fast and easy way to make that change.

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Carolina van Zuijlen


After her master degree in Russian Literature, Carolina chose for a career in international real estate. Her journey has led her to Lanzarote, where she decided to make a change in her career.

She specialized herself in the influence of our mind

on our life and wellbeing.

Since 1993 she has a practice in Lanzarote for Psychotherapeutic and spiritual counseling and energetic healing.

Carolina is a certified therapist in Neuro Emotional Integration (NEI), Trance-coaching and Hypnotherapy and Quantum Touch and she is an Omega Health Coach. 

She speaks 8 languages: Dutch, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Bulgarian.

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Alexander Lammers van Toorenburg 


Started his career as a trainer inIT and tele-communications.

Many years of intensive fitness and martial arts caused him to suffer from many physical problems where physiotherapy and traditional medicine would offer no solace.


In his search for self healing he has studied sports-massage

and -rehabilitation, osteopathy, Neuro Emotional Integration (NEI), kinesiologie, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, allergies and dietetics. 


Alexander obtained his title in osteopathy at the CIDO, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Osteopático in San Sebastian.

In 1997 Alexander started his practice in Lanzarote for

osteopathy, kinesiology, energetic healing and coaching for

chronic pain and illness. 

Alexander is fluent in Dutch, English, German, Spanish and French.


Get in contact

Centro Vitalidad

Playa de Afre 4, house 2

Residencial 17

35580 Playa Blanca

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Tel. 0034-686 555 682

We respect your privacy. Your information is used exclusively for this communication and is not stored nor shared anywhere.

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Member of the Spanish Register for Professional Osteopaths no.02/059

Accredited by the International Association of Professional Hypnotherapists

Gesret Method Therapist 2nd Degree

Member of NSG Sports Massage and Rehabilitation Association

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